Maryjanen blog is a space set up to bring information about business opportunities, Jobs and Marketable skills to our audience. It discusses about money, business which is vital in our current world faced with inflation and recession
If you are in Africa and interested in getting updates on marketable skills, Job opportunities in the diaspora and business ideas, this is the place you should be as we don’t only bring the information to you, sometimes we share with you the websites that have those job opportunities.

Maryjanen blog is founded by Maryjane Nwannkwo who is a freelance writer and graphic designer on Guru, Upwork, design crowd and Maryjane Nwankwo owns a media youtube channel and a couple of several Niche blogs.
Our vision is to create a better reading experience for our readers by giving valid, detailed, up-to-date news information. In addition, explore different ways to make money and business opportunities.